Welcome to Agung Sari!

Established in early 1990s, Agungsari produced Indonesian traditional cookies. Through hard working, responding to feedbacks and implementing strict quality control, Agungsari grows and now produces Indonesian instant seasoning for Indonesian's popular dishes under DUA KUALI™ brand. Recently, Dua Kuali has reached several countries in Asia, Europe and also Australia. Through this site, Agungsari intends to stay closer to the market and hear their valuable feedbacks and also share recipes.

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    Kepiting Goreng Saus Mentega (untuk 2-3 posi / up to 2-3 servings)

    4 ekor Kepiting Sedang
    30 gr Bawang Putih
    30 gr Bawang Merah
    1-2 btr Telur
    1 sdm Air Jeruk Nipis
    8 biji Cabe Merah Besar, buang isinya
    1 sdt Merica bubuk
    1 sdt Garam (sesuai selera)
    Mentega secukupnya (untuk menggoreng)

    Cara Membuat:

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    Nasi Goreng

    Posted In: Seasoning by officier1

    Indonesian Fried Rice (Nasi Goreng) (up to 3-4 Servings)
    600gr   Steamed Rice (Nasi yang sudah di-tanak)Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice) Photo
    25gr   Garlic (Bawang Putih)
    75gr   Shallot (Bawang Merah)
    60gr   Red Chilli (Cabe Besar)
    Salt, Sliced Fried-Eggs, Sliced vegetables and Fried-Shallot Flakes

    Shortcut Direction:
    Grind all the ingredients above (except Steamed Rice and eggs/vegetables/shallot flakes), then fry in a few seconds, add the Steamed Rice, stir well until heated through. Add sliced vegetables, sliced fried-eggs, sprinkle of shallot flakes and soy sauce as wanted.
    Serve warm with Indonesian Chilli Relish and cracker. Click here for other Indonesian recipe.

    Cara Memasak:
    Giling / blender semua bahan-bahan di atas (setelah di cuci bersih) kecuali nasi putih, telur dan sayuran. Tumis sebentar dengan sedikit minyak kemudian masukkan nasi, dan aduk rata dengan api kecil hingga bumbu tercampur dan nasih berwarna keemasan. Masukkan potongan sayur, tetap aduk dengan api kecil hingga matang. Angkat, taburkan bawang merah goreng dan irisan telur matang/goreng. Nasi Goreng siap disajikan hangat dengan sambal dan kerupuk udang. Klik di sini untuk melihat resep Indonesia lainnya.